
If you're a Florida homeowner looking to sell your house fast, innovative Sub 2 buyers at can make the process faster, easier, and hassle-free.
We're committed to providing a fair offer for your property, put cash in YOUR hands no matter how much you owe or what needs to be repaired or paid off.
We're here to help you every step of the way.
Let us help you sell your house fast and give you cash4keys!
No Credit approval required
No Loan applications required
No Waiting for a decision maker (we make our own decisions)
No Drama
Saves you $1000's of dollars in closing costs, appraisal fees, attorney fees, recording costs, inspection fees
We don't want your cash, we GIVE you cash
It is a terrific option no matter what kind of property you have or what issues are attached to you or the property
You decide where to spend your cash. YOU are in charge!